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HUB Resorts Verkoop
second home expo

Second Home Expo

Curious about the parks?
Herber would like to personally inform you about the interesting opportunities.
  • Jaarbeurs Utrecht
  • Book your ticket
  • Holiday homes in Drenthe

Visit us at the Second Home Expo

Are you contemplating buying a second home? We think that is a great idea! We are happy to help you make this choice. With that in mind, please visit us at the Second Home Expo in Utrecht. During this weekend, we will be happy to inform you about all the possibilities and answer your questions. In addition, you get a nice quick impression of our luxury and sustainable holiday homes

  • Detailed model
  • Personal (financial) advice
  • Meet HUB Resorts

Will we see you at the Second Home Expo?

The Second Home Expo will take place during the weekend of March 22nd through March 24th, 2024. The expo is opened every day from
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you dream of owning your own vacation home, this is the place to get information and advice. That's why HUB Resorts will be ready to assist you throughout the weekend to provide you with the information you need. Are you taking the first step toward a second home?  Request your free tickets on this page.


➤ Second Home Expo
➤ Jaarbeurs Utrecht
➤ Jaarbeursplein
➤ 3527 KW Utrecht

➤ Friday, March 22nd, Saturday March 23rd, and Sunday March 24th
➤ 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Free tickets for the Second Home Expo?

Complete the form below and have free access.

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A quick impression of our previous Second Home Expo ⤵