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December construction update
What has been done in recent months?
Over the past few months, work has been in full swing to further complete the park. As previously stated in the March 2024 newsletter, we started installing 7 homes after the season. We are currently hard at work to install house number 7, and even house number 8, which was recently sold, before the Christmas vacations.
Roof tiles & solar panels
For the first 6 houses, the roof tiles including solar panels are already installed, and we have already started the interior work. This includes tiling, plumbing, spraying, and painting.
Rain, frost & storm
Because we have had over 15 work days on which no progress could be made (rain, frost, & storm) over the past few months, masonry work is running a little behind schedule. We remain dependent on the weather, but are obviously doing everything we can to catch up.
Home connections
The home connections (cables and pipes serving electricity, water, and sewage) are scheduled for the end of January 2025. After the home connections, we will start the work overseeing the preparation for living (planting, footpaths, and roads).
Interior furnishing
The further furnishing of the homes is scheduled to take place in February/March 2025. This includes:
- The delivery and installation of the kitchen.
- The delivery and installation of the wellness package.
- Furnishing the home based on the interior package chosen.
If everything continues to go well, the homes will be completed by the end of March 2025 and will be available for rent by Easter.