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HUB Resorts Verkoop
Construction update July 2023

Construction update november 2023

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Resort Drentse Weelde

Last week, preparatory ground work started, which means that the dream of Resort Drentse Weelde is about to become a reality. The natural beauty of Drenthe will soon merge with our luxury facilities to provide you with an unforgettable holiday experience or investment.The natural beauty of Drenthe will soon merge with our luxury facilities to provide you with an unforgettable holiday experience or investment.

To share this exciting milestone with you, we cordially invite you to our OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, November 19. This is the perfect opportunity to take a look at the premises and imagine what Resort Drentse Weelde will look like. But please note, in order to ensure that we can most effectively host the day, we kindly ask you to sign up in advance.

Construction update November 2023
Construction update November 2023